maandag 26 oktober 2009

Hi everyone,

Welcome to the site where I'll post stories and pictures about the trip that I'm currently undertaking. I'm planning to go from LA to Argentina and as of this moment I've already taken a few steps towards getting there and am now in Durango, Mexico.

During the last 4 weeks orso I've looked at 2 bikes, bought one and registered it, learned about maintenance of the bike (which I hardly knew anything about) and made a round trip in California. The seller of the bike called the California ride a "shakedown ride" to see if anything falls off, which was a fitting description. So if anything would fail or fall of or if I would need anything I would still be able to buy it in the US, where I speak the language and shops are easier to find.

In California I also met up with some friends, all of whom I knew from studying in Korea a few years ago. They're living in or visited LA. It was really really great to see them again!

Since I'm already a few weeks in this trip I´ll just post some pictures of the trip so far and just write about the most interesting parts. I don´t feel like being behind the computer all afternoon :)

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Wat een mooie foto's, (grappig om de helm die we toen hebben gekocht terug te zien ook ;) ) en wat aardig van John dat hij je zo goed op weg heeft geholpen! Hij wil zeker ook op de hoogte worden gehouden van je trip! Ik hoop dat je motor t goed doet, en dat t rare geluid makkelijk verholpen kan worden.. K wordt helemaal enthousiast van je verhalen!! je bent eindelijk op reis!

  2. Torbenzzz, het is dus bere-gezellig daar!
